Hi there! Did you miss out on the Fit to Print Kickstarter campaign? That’s too bad - it was pretty fun. But don’t worry, you can still secure your copy of Fit to Print and receive it when backers do! We are in the process of getting our preorder/late pledge platform up and running, but in the meantime you can sign up for our mailing list and we will give you all of the info that you need to order your copy of the game as soon as it becomes available!
Pricing and late pledge options will be similar to the ones found on the Kickstarter page, so please refer to that for pricing. Thanks!
We will also have copies of the KS Editions of Calico, Cascadia, and Verdant available!
NOTE: If you are a BRICK AND MORTAR RETAILER and are interested in bringing Fit to Print into your store, please fill out our form here.