If you would like to purchase a Kickstarter Edition copy of Calico - we have a limited supply of them available in our 2023 pledge manager HERE:
You’ll get a reduced price for the game and shipping and the free bonus Cats!
(Games will be shipped later this summer)
** Calico now has a digital version! Monster Couch (creators of the hit Wingspan Digital) have released Quilts and Cats of Calico to Steam! You can buy the game now! The game features all new Calico content like unique customizations and a new campaign mode! Check it out!! **
Calico is a puzzly tile-laying game of quilts and cats. In Calico, players compete to sew the coziest quilt as they collect and place patches of different colors and patterns. Each quilt has a special pattern that must be adhered to, and players are also trying to create color and pattern combinations that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also able to attract the cuddliest cats.
Calico is designed by Kevin Russ is the first Flatout Games Co-Lab publication. It successfully funded on Kickstarter in Fall 2019.
Calico is available at your local retailer! Ask about it today!
You can also purchase Calico online at the Alderac Store!
You can check out the game on BGG!
We would like to express our immense gratitude to the backers listed below the images who made Calico a success on Kickstarter in Fall 2019! (Names are in order from earliest backers to latest backers)